Directed by Carlton Albright (THE CHILDREN), LUTHER THE GEEK is a bloody and bleak rural slasher featuring gruesome gore courtesy of William Purcell (EXORCIST 3) and Mike Tristano (EVIL DEAD 2) in what Fangoria called "the most riveting splatter film since THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE."
Vinegar Syndrome presents this 80s horror classic newly restored from its original 35mm negative and in widescreen for the first time.
directed by: Carlton Albright starring: Edward Terry, Jerry Clarke, Joan Roth, Stacy Haiduk 1988 / 80min / English / Color / 1.85:1 Additional info:Endast 1 kvar i lager
199 kr
BLU-RAY + DVD: Engelskt tal och Engelsk text, Blanka skivor.
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